2023 CFA® Study Materials Now Available
Select a 2023 CFA exam date on the Salt Solutions platform. Study materials, quizzes, and mock exams are now available for Level I, Level II, and Level III of the CFA exams.
You can now choose a 2023 CFA® exam date for CFA Level I, Level II, or Level III when you register for a Salt Solutions account.
Our team has been hard at work preparing study materials based around the CFA Institute® 2023 curricula. The roll-out begins now! (Update, 12/27/22: The roll-out is complete!)
When CFA level materials will be available.
In the Content Roadmap below, you will see that all content is now available for Level I, Level II, and Level III:
Our roll-out also includes new Focus review materials, review assignments, quiz questions, and mock exams, which are now available for Level I, Level II, and Level III.
What if I’ve already selected another CFA exam?
If you already have a Salt Solutions account, you can now switch over to the 2023 curriculum. While logged in, click your avatar in the lower-left corner of the screen, select “Manage Account,” then modify your “Exam Details.”
Start your 2023 CFA studies now.
Let's get your preparation started! There's no time like today. Let us know if you have any questions along the way.